
Sales Representatives

LADI’s Sales Representatives provide an important key step in the business process - they ensure that the company continually examines how customers can be fully satisfied. Customer satisfaction with the products that are purchased is LADI’s primary focus.

The Sales team focuses on increasing the company’s service and business base through daily activities conducted directly with the consumer of the products LADI sells. These employees represent the "first impression" that many customers have about the products and services as well as the company overall.

The representatives and merchandisers are equipped with the most up to date technology in order to serve your needs. LADI recognizes the importance of technology in this industry and is fully committed to ensuring the entire staff is equipped with the latest tech.

The services that our representatives and merchandisers provide are:

  • Inventory Management
  • Ordering
  • Maintenance
  • Renovations/Resets
  • Optimum Fill Rates
  • High Inventory Turnover Rates
  • POP Installation
  • Promotion Support
  • New item Introduction
  • Seasonal Promotions
  • Store Set-ups
  • Customized Racks

In addition, our sales team is also trained to utilize POG Building Software to meet client needs. 3D Plan-o-gramming provides many benefits such as:

  • Interactive viewing
  • Printing from any angle
  • Simulation of complex
  • Fixtures and POS elements
  • Optimize shelf value
  • Optimize assortments and sales

As you can see, by working with LADI your store front will receive top notch service along with some potential additional business services. The company is prepared to provide additional merchandising and marketing support to accompany its products and ensure their clients maximize their sales. If you are interested in any of LADI’s services, feel free to call! You can also visit the showroom floor which displays a wide array of products, marketing and service offerings.